Supporting Research

Reading Is Fundamental’s (RIF’s) programmatic approach on instilling the joy of reading is grounded in research about the importance of reading engagement, motivation, and frequency in driving reading outcomes. Learn more by exploring the studies below.

two boys looking at books

Research that validates the RIF Model

Not only are young people who have books of their own more likely to read more frequently than their peers who don’t have their own books, but they are also more likely to read for longer stretches of time. 

Recent investigations spanning from K-12 have revealed that motivation plays a unique and significant role in predicting reading proficiency. Link between reading motivation and reading comprehension.   

Motivation to read tends to differ by gender—with girls motivated more positively to read than boys. It also differs by ethnicity, in more complex ways. 

By looking at international achievement data across 27 countries, researchers determined that a home library is as important as parental education and twice as important as the father's occupation in predicting educational outcomes. 

Children growing up in homes with many books get 3 years more schooling than children from bookless homes, independent of their parents’ education, occupation, and class. 

RIF in action

Since 1966, we’ve partnered with educators, families, and literacy advocates to change the trajectory of the literacy crisis. Check out the latest from RIF.