Young people from across the globe are raising awareness about what issues matter to them most and...
In a world where people spend more time engaging through screens than in real-life interaction...
This printable and interactive criss cross puzzle aligns with Amazing Faces by Lee Bennett Hopkins.
After reading Amazing Faces by Lee Bennett Hopkins use this printable and interactive Word Search...
Juneteenth is a time for celebration and reflection with the whole family. For young children, the...
Use this scrapbook page to celebrate friendship.
Use this Venn diagram to compare and contrast two elements within a text/story.
Use this printable graphic organizer to deepen students' vocabulary knowledge. Watch the tip video...
In this Q & A with co-author and raptor biologist, Jane Veltkamp, learn more detailed information...
Use this fun and interactive BINGO activity as you visit a museum in-person, virtually, or through...
Count up the most fascinating numbers behind sports' greatest moments in STATS! The Biggest Numbers...
Use the Understand, Plan, Solve, and Evaluate (UPSE) model to support students in solving single and...
Use this graphic organizer to deepen vocabulary knowledge.
Use this KWL chart individually or as a class to activate students’ thinking as they begin reading a...
Use this guide to help you determine which Tier Two vocabulary words to teach for each of your texts...
Use this graphic organizer before, during, and after reading to make inferences and connections...
For activating student thinking before, during, and after reading, use this Educational Guide for Sw...
After reading Swoop and Soar: How Science Rescued Two Osprey Orphans and Found Them a New Family in...
This printable and interactive crisscross puzzle aligns with Swoop and Soar: How Science Rescued Two...
Swoop and Soar, two baby osprey chicks, are safe in their nest at the top of the forest, until a...
Use this Anticipation Guide before reading to activate students’ prior knowledge, build curiosity...