Swoop and Soar: How Science Rescued Two Osprey Orphans and Found Them a New Family in the Wild
Swoop and Soar, two baby osprey chicks, are safe in their nest at the top of the forest, until a powerful storm sends their tree crashing to the ground. This is the true story of how science found these two chicks a new osprey family and home in the wild.
Only ten days old, Swoop and Soar become orphans when their nest is shattered in a thunder and lightning storm. Raptor biologist Janie Veltkamp, who rescued Beauty the bald eagle, helps save the young osprey chicks and sets out to find them a new family. In a race against time, Janie finds the perfect new nest for the chicks, with wild osprey parents who have also lost chicks to the storm. But will the new parents accept Swoop and Soar as their own, or soon fly away from the nest forever?
After quickly nursing the baby brother and sister back to health, Janie carefully places them in the new nest while the osprey parents are out hunting for fish. Then Janie waits, watches and hopes. The new father brings back a fresh fish, but four long hours go by until the mother lands at the nest. Will she feed Swoop and Soar, and shade them from the sun’s burning rays with her outstretched wings? Can the chicks and their new osprey parents now become a real family?