Moose Flannagan moves with his family to Alcatraz so his dad can work as a prison guard and his...
It's 1946. Langston's mother has just died, and now they're leaving the rest of his family and...
Separated from his family when they were forced to flee their home, a young East African boy named...
Troublemaker follows the events of the LA Riots through the eyes of 12-year-old Jordan as he...
This moving and original story is about the intersection of Native and African Americans. Choctaw...
When thirteen-year-old Lora tells her parents that she wants to join Premier Castro’s army of young...
t’s 1941, and tensions are rising in the United States as the Second World War rages in Europe...
Charlie has been having nightmares. Eyes watching him in the night, claws on his chest, holding him...
Most twelve-year-olds would be excited to fly to Austria to see their dad for the summer but then...
On September 6, 1522, a horribly battered ship manned by eighteen malnourished, scurvy-ridden...
After losing almost everything in the Great Depression, Ellie’s family is forced to leave their home...
A twelve-year-old Iroquois boy searches for peace in this historical novel based on the creation of...
On a spring morning, neighbors Valentina Kaplan and Oksana Savchenko wake up to an angry red sky. A...
A stirring, moving story about a boy and the horse he rescues from the sea -- Kate DiCamillio meets...
Mary Lambert has always felt safe and protected on her beloved island of Martha's Vineyard. Her...
Regina Petit's family has always been Umpqua, and living on the Grand Ronde reservation is all ten...
Ten-year-old Manami did not realize how peaceful her family's life on Bainbridge Island was until...
It's 1969 and the country is gearing up for what looks to be the most exciting moment in U.S...
In Detroit, 1945, eleven-year-old Betty’s house doesn’t quite feel like home. She believes her...
An Irish family stays together with the help of Fiona's talent for making one-of-a-kind lace in this...
Zane Dupree is a charismatic 12-year-old boy of mixed race visiting a relative in New Orleans when...