In a world where people spend more time engaging through screens than in real-life interaction...
Middle school is an essential time to learn and practice social skills, including how to get along...
The revelation of King Tutankhamuns tomb brought fame and glory to its discoverers. But as unlucky...
On a small farm in rural Tennessee, a mysterious spirit was tormenting a family. Quilts were pulled...
No surgeon can boast the steady hands of da Vinci. This surgical robot was built for careful cutting...
In the early 1960s, Betty and Barney Hill had a wild story to tell: they believed they were abducted...
Strange sightings around the quiet town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia set off a town-wide hunt...
Juneteenth is a time for celebration and reflection with the whole family. For young children, the...
A Book Talk is a short introduction of a book to students to activate prior knowledge, build...
David can eat an entire sixteen-inch pepperoni pizza in four minutes and thirty-six seconds. Not bad...
Word ladders help students see that words can be changed by adding or deleting letters. Use this...
This moving and original story is about the intersection of Native and African Americans. Choctaw...
Use this Venn diagram to compare and contrast two elements within a text/story.
Use this printable graphic organizer to deepen students' vocabulary knowledge. Watch the tip video...
Use this fun and interactive BINGO activity as you visit a museum in-person, virtually, or through...
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore courage.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore exploration.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore independence.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore friendship.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore creativity.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore teamwork.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore innovation.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore wellness.
Use these activities and books to encourage your students to explore diversity.