George and Harold have created a new breed of justice. With the head of a dog and the body of a...
Being the new kid in school is scary enough. But imagine what it would be like if you were the new...
Max Lightning is howling at the moon—he’s finally qualified for Gamerville, a championship where...
One day, a little girl picks an unusual flower from an unusual bush in the forest. Overnight, the...
When Grace moves to Hong Kong with her mom and new stepdad, her biggest concern is making friends at...
Dale Donavan has heard the same lecture over and over again: Art will get you nowhere in life. A kid...
With a Thai mother and an American father, Kathy lives in two different worlds. She spends most of...
After a lackluster school year, Maya anticipates an even more disappointing summer. The only thing...
Mia is still getting used to living with her mom and stepfather, and to the new role their Jewish...
Pedro Martín has grown up hearing stories about his abuelito—his legendary crime-fighting...
Tuva is starting seventh grade, and her checklist of goals includes: writing out a diary, getting a...
A funny and heartwarming middle-grade graphic novel adventure about friendship, defying expectations...
Miles Morales is a normal kid who happens to juggle school at Brooklyn Visions Academy while...
Being twins means having a best friend forever . . . But when one goes to middle school in Mexico...
Bree can’t wait for her first day at her new middle school, Enith Brigitha, home to the Mighty...
When cousins Riley Halfmoon and Maya Dawn move to Urbanopolis to live with their activist grandma...
The revelation of King Tutankhamuns tomb brought fame and glory to its discoverers. But as unlucky...
On a small farm in rural Tennessee, a mysterious spirit was tormenting a family. Quilts were pulled...
This dynamic duo traveled farther than 8,000 miles for more than two years to map the American West...
Welcome to the imaginative brain of Omar! Omar and his family have just moved, and he is NOT excited...
Moon is everything Christine isn't. She’s confident, impulsive, artistic . . . and though they both...
Thirteen-year-old Tai Pham lives in the apartment above his grandmother's store, where his bedroom...
Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a modern feminist icon—a leader in the fight for equal...