World Toilet Day - Yes, That’s a Thing

November 19 is World Toilet Day. Toilets that flush are important. They help keep water clean. They keep people from getting sick.


Toilets did not always flush. What did people use before toilets flushed?


There were public toilets. The toilets were made of stone. The toilets were all in one room.


A chamber pot is a kind of toilet. A chamber pot is a big bowl. A chamber pot is emptied outside.


An outhouse is a kind of toilet. An outhouse is outside. An outhouse is a small house. An outhouse has one toilet.


The first flushing toilet was made in 1596. This toilet was for kings and queens. This toilet was also very smelly.


A new pipe was invented in 1775. This pipe is shaped like a U. This pipe traps the smelly water. This pipe is still used today. This pipe made people want a flushing toilet.


Flushing toilets changed the way we build homes. People wanted to have a toilet inside the house. People did not like to use the outhouse. People needed a room just for the toilet. People began to build homes that had rooms for toilets. People needed running water for toilets. People needed running water for bathtubs. People put the toilet and bath in the same room. People began to call this room a bathroom.