The Not-So-Wicked Witch
On the sleepiest of nights, when the air is still and the moon is full, the conditions are just right… for WITCHES TO TAKE FLIGHT!
And among all these terribly wicked, cackling witches, is one… who is actually, surprisingly quite nice!
This little witch doesn’t enjoy being wicked like the others. Not one little bit. She doesn’t like creating mischief, she doesn’t like making a mess and she definitely doesn’t like any naughtiness!
The other witches decide that the littlest witch needs rescuing from all this icky, gooey goodness! It’s time for some lessons in wickedness, and the best way to do that is by making a completely terrible and utterly awful potion…!
Will our little witch leave her kind and gentle ways behind her and join in the wickedness? Or will she persuade her fellow witches that actually, being wicked isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?